PRESIDENT: Jamie Zawila, GT Environmental
VICE PRESIDENT: James Profitt, Montgomery County Environmental Services
TREASURER: Jerry McGraner, TetraTech
SECRETARY: Julie Riley, Lucas County Solid Waste Management District
PAST PRESIDENT: Dan Brennan, SCS Engineers
ADVISORY BOARD REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Skora, Ashland County Solid Waste District
DIRECTORS 2023-2026
Dawn Spurlock Heritage Environmental |
Jerry McGraner TetraTech |
George Brown Waste Management |
Steve Viny Envision Waste Systems |
Steve Tharp Stark Tuscarawas Wayne Solid Waste District |
Jamie Shepherd Montgomery County Environmental Services |
Directors 2021-2024
Tony DiPuccio SCS Engineers |
Scott Perry SWACO |
Holly Hillyer OEPA |
Vacant |
Michael Greenberg |
Directors 2022-2025
Tim Gourley Lake County Solid Waste District |
Beth Biggins-Ramer Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District |
Mike Stepic Seneca Engineering |
Vacant |
Don Johnson Kimble Company |
James Profitt, Montgomery County Environmental Services
The Board of Directors is actively seeking to fill 2 vacant positions. If you are interested in filling one of these positions, please send a resume to Jamie Zawila at